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By Justine Buckley

I have one question for you this month: Which 'must' are you? (We've all got one - that hidden puppet master in our heads).


Here is a quick view of the Nine Personality Patterns: Ways to cope with life (Charlotte Joko Beck).


I must....


1. ...correct what is wrong

2. ...take care of others' needs

3. ...achieve and get results

4. ...regret what is missing in my life

5. ...understand everything

6. ...be aware of potential problems

7. ...be positive, upbeat, look to the future

8. ...be in control

9. ...respond to others' ideas and expectations


Leaving these 'musts' unseen is the cause of so much confusion, painful relationships, and unnecessary suffering in our lives. To see these 'musts' clearly is the first step towards living more freely and happily. x 


Love Justine. 



Ways To Cope With Life: "I Must…"