Kati Basti

Ayurveda’s unique treatment for musculoskeletal disorders of the spine, shoulder and joints. A moulded dough is placed over the problem area to hold carefully selected medicated herbal oils, providing relief in conditions such as sciatica, slipped and degenerative discs, back pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, knee problems and arthritis.

60min - $90 / $80 conc

WATCH A VIDEO: About Kati Basti

Copyright Mudita Institute.  ABN 94 508 244 203.  

Mobile Website by Nadia Marshall

Meet your Therapist, Martin

Offers Ayurvedic treatments on Mondays, Tuesdays & Fridays

Therapeutic Ayurvedic Massage

This deeply rejuvenating massage expels toxins, promotes suppleness and flexibility, calms the mind and nourishes the tissues and nervous system. Ayurvedic massage uses large quantities of warm, medicated herbal oils and is considered an integral part of any health program.

60min - $90 / $80 conc

90min - $135 / $125 conc

WATCH A VIDEO: About Ayurvedic Massage

+ optional 10-15min post-massage steam sauna - $20

Pindaswed Massage

Offers immediate and lasting relief from pain and inflammation. Pindaswed involves the therapeutic application of heat with a medicated herbal ‘bolus’. Applied to the whole body or locally, this massage can relieve conditions including arthritis, stiffness and swelling of the joints, cellulite, obesity and muscle pain.

60min - $90 / $80 conc

+ $20 for Herbal Boluses (which you keep to use for up to 4 subsequent treatments or to use at home)

WATCH A VIDEO: About Pindaswed Massage


A deeply effective therapy in the treatment of stress, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. It is also beneficial for depression, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, high blood pressure, migraines and chronic headaches. Shirodhara involves the precise pouring of warm, medicated herbal oil upon the forehead.

60min - $90 / $80 conc

+ $50 for Shirodhara Oil (which you keep to use for up to 7 subsequent treatments or to use at home)

WATCH A VIDEO: About Shirodhara

Combination Treatments

Ayurvedic Massage + Kati Basti

1hr & 45mins - $155 / $145 concession

( + option of steam sauna $15min $10)

Ayurvedic Massage + Pindaswed

1hr & 45mins - $155 / $145 concession

+ $20 (for the Herbal Boluses)

Ayurvedic Massage + Shirodhara

2hrs - $180 / $165 concession

+ $50 (for the Shirodhara Oil)

( + option of steam sauna $15min $10)


A full range of Ayurvedic Therapeutic Treatments are available with Martin on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays at our peaceful Clinic Space.