Australian Ayurvedic Practitioner, Kester Marshall, offers regular Practitioner Training webinars on various  subjects, including pathologies. In these 1.5 hour webinars he offers both the Western understanding and treatment and the Ayurvedic understanding and management of common conditions you're likely to face in clinic. He shares his understanding and experience with you in detail, giving  advice, reassurance and success stories.

If you attend the webinar on the night it is held, the cost is just $20 and this includes access to the recorded course materials for up to a year. If you purchase the materials after the webinar, they are $35 for a year's access. This includes the ability to download an audio file so you can listen to them on your phone as well access to Kester's detailed notes.

Click here to be added to the webinar invitation list.

Upcoming Webinars:

To be advised......

Practitioner Training Webinars

FORMAL AYURVEDIC STUDY RECOMMENDATIONS: Please note that all of our courses are designed for informal study. If you would like to study a formal Ayurvedic qualification, we recommend the Australasian Institute of Ayurvedic Studies with Dr Ajit, Equals International or AIHFE.

1 PERSON $20pp

Past Webinars (available for purchase):